Excelling in Tanka Poetry: Explore the Contemporary World of Verses with Modern English Tanka Press

Embrace the art of Tanka with Modern English Tanka Press. Channeling the classic Japanese short form poetry into contemporary expression, we are your go-to platform to learn and master this engaging literary craft. Whether you are an avid reader curious about Tanka or an aspiring poet willing to explore the modern metamorphosis of this ancient form, we offer resources that cater to all.

Our site is brimming with rich articles that deeply delve into the world of Tanka, discerning its origin and evolution over time. We intrigue you with thought-provoking examples that beautifully exhibit the essence of this expressive art form. Furthermore, providing enlightening tutorials, we empower you to try your hand at weaving your own verses in Tanka.

At Modern English Tanka Press, our intention is to stoke the creative fire within you whilst appreciating the poetic legacy of the bygone era. Immerse oneself in the rhythm of syllables and words, to feel the resonance of emotions that fine Tanka retains. Visit us, and let us embark on this poetic journey together.